The President’s chief responsibility is to serve as the student leader and official representative of the BSC. The President is responsible for ensuring that the decision-making processes of the Board and its Committees function smoothly and for promoting the general welfare of the corporation. The President ensures the flow of information to and serves as an information resource for the Board, the Central Office Staff Management, Unit-Level Management, and Membership. As chair of the Cabinet, the President facilitates the communication among the other Executives. The President shall also ensure that our long-range planning needs are being met. The President is the supervisor of the Vice Presidents and Board AA, and shall, therefore, supervise the performance of their duties and train, assist, fill in for them, and delegate duties as necessary. The President chairs Cabinet (the Executive Committee) and Board. The President shall meet regularly with the Executive Director. The President shall work with their successor to ensure a smooth transition of duties and responsibilities. Also see the BSC Executive Job Description.
Administrative Tasks
- 1. Meet frequently with the Executive Director and convey any problems observed or reported about the Central Office or their job performance.
- 2. Enforce Board and Cabinet directives to Staff managers.
- 3. Supervise and train the Board Administrative Assistants, and ensure that Board Packets (including board agenda and minutes for all committees) are sent out at least three days before each board meeting is to take place.
- 4. Ensure the initial training of all committee AAs.
- 5. Review and edit all Board and Cabinet minutes prior to their distribution.
- 6. Conduct one to two evaluations of the Vice Presidents each semester.
- 7. Sign documents on behalf of the BSC as necessary.
- 8. Terminate members in accordance with the Bylaws.
Board Tasks
- 1. Facilitate all meetings of the Board of Directors or delegate this task.
- 2. Facilitate all meetings of the Cabinet of the Board of Directors.
- 3. Communicate to the Staff Managers on a regular basis regarding the implementation of all Board policies and directives.
- 4. Coordinate advanced semester planning of the BOD and (if needed) the General Membership Meeting. Along with the Executives, the President will coordinate the semester planning of committee meetings.
- 5. Conduct board trainings every semester.
- 6. Call all meetings as necessary in accordance with the Bylaws.
- 7. Train and organize the Executive Director Review Committee.
Committee Tasks
- 1. Convene and preside over Cabinet meetings and if necessary committee meetings.
- 2. Report to the Board of Directors all actions by Cabinet.
Other Tasks
- 1. Communicate with the press, City officials, BSC neighbors, and the community as necessary.
- 2. Attend University, City, and other outside agency and community meetings as necessary.
- 3. Develop contacts with other student cooperatives and keep the BSC in touch with the worldwide cooperative movement.
- 4. Supervise the other Executives in the performance of their duties and shall assist and fill in for them as necessary.
- 5. Assist the Vice-Presidents in the writing of their proposals for the Board of Directors and shall attend their committee meetings as necessary.
- 6. Ensure the Vice-Presidents prepare a detailed exit document or add to the existing document two weeks prior to the end of the Spring contract period and pass on all pertinent materials to their successor by the end of the Spring contract period.
- 7. Incorporate conflict support in training curriculum for Board Directors that will foster healthy disagreement and prevent harassment in the workplace.
Term of position: From the start of the Fall contract to the end of the subsequent Spring contract period
Supervisor: Board of Directors
Hired by: Board election
Eligibility: Only sitting Directors are eligible to serve as President.
Expected hours per week: 30 (Overtime hours are guaranteed and compensated by submitting a timesheet)
Compensation: $7,541.60 per semester
[Amended as per Board #3 Budget Meeting (03.21.24)]
[Board approved amendment 3-4-21, Updated 4-6-21, Updated 7-6-23]