From BSC Policy
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  1. The BSC is an equal opportunity employer. It is our policy not to discriminate in hiring, training, promotion or retention of any job applicant or worker in the co-op (whether paid, room and board, or workshift) because of age, physical disability, ethnic background, marital status, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sex gender or sexual orientation. For the purposes of this policy, the term “minority” shall refer to all of the above categories.
  2. The goal of this policy will be to achieve overall parity between the BSC workforce and the general population from which our workforce is taken. In the case of jobs open only to members, the general population will be the entire membership of the BSC or in the case of house jobs, the population of the house itself. In the case of jobs open also to the general public, the population shall be the general population of the Berkeley-Oakland area, as defined by government statistics (and any other applicable statistics, when government statistics are unavailable).
  3. It is our policy to follow fair employment practices as mandated by Federal, State and/or local law. In accordance with the goals stated above, it is also our policy to actively seek to recruit, employ, train, and promote qualified persons from those groups traditionally discriminated against in our society, including but not limited to the categories above.
  4. Although it is clear that affirmative action cannot be legislated for elected positions, it is the intention of this policy that parity be achieved in all elected positions, through continuous education of the membership and encouragement of minorities to run for office.
  5. The principles and practices of the co-op require that all persons be treated with full dignity and respect. It is the responsibility of management and members on all levels to enforce this policy.

It is the policy of the co-op that no worker shall be discriminated against in any way because of their minority status. Specifically, supervisors, Managers, co-workers and members of elected bodies, both on the central and house level, shall not make disparaging remarks about a person or their class, nor shall they make unwanted physical advances to another worker, or in any other way subject a worker to physical, verbal, visual or any other sort of harassment. In no way shall work be assigned, evaluated or compensated in a discriminatory manner.

An analysis of our workforce by job category shall be compiled at least annually. Job categories shall take into account both type and level of work. This analysis will be compared to applicable population statistics and will serve to determine whether or not the BSC has achieved parity in any category or overall.

In any job category where parity is not achieved, there shall exist a program of training and skills development appropriate to the job. This might include, but not be limited to:

  1. Special entry-level trainee positions specifically designed for unskilled persons.
  2. On-the-job training for more highly skilled positions.
  3. Paid time off and/or payment of fees for outside job development courses.
  4. Rotational assignments for the purpose of upgrading or broadening skills.
  5. In all areas where parity has not been achieved, persons from underrepresented groups shall be given priority for entry-level training and skills development programs.

The BSC will use various methods to educate its staff and membership about affirmative action and this program, including but not limited to any of the following:

  1. Statements in staff and Managers’ manuals on this program.
  2. Section in the Owner’s Manual.
  3. Regular articles in the BSC newsletter.
  4. Discussion in Manager’s training sessions, house meetings and staff meetings.
  5. Posters in the houses and at Central Level.
  6. Training at the beginning of each semester for the new Hiring Commission.
  7. Discussion at Board Training.
  8. The purpose of such education is to ensure that every member and staff person knows their rights and the rights of others under this program, and is aware of how to exercise these rights.

The Coordinator for Outreach Diversity & Anti-Discrimination shall oversee implementation and enforcement of affirmative action policies. It shall be the responsibility of all supervisors and house managers to ensure that this program is implemented in their departments or houses, that complaints are fairly and speedily dealt with, and that a continual education program in maintained.